JWP Joshi Puroresu 1997-1998 DVD VHS

JWP on WOWOW 1/18/97 taped 12/28/96, 1/12/97 & 1/14/97
-1hr 55min. Q=Near Perfect

    SIX TO SEVEN taped 12/28/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Clips of semifinal matches of the tag tournament. Ozaki & Amano vs. Plum & Yagi and Devil & Motoya vs. Hikari & Esther.

JWP PRESENTS YEAR END TAG TOURNAMENT Final: Mayumi Ozaki & Reiko Amano vs. Devil Masami & Kanako Motoya. ****

Sari Osumi Debut Match: Sari Osumi vs. Tomoko Kuzumi

Saburo Retirement Match: Saburo vs. Candy Okutsu

Fusayo Nouchi Retirement Match: Fusayo Nouchi vs. Cuty Suzuki

    Taped 1/12/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Ozaki & Amano vs. Plum Mariko & Esther Moreno (Jd')

Devil Masami & Hikari Fukuoka vs. Dynamite Kansai & Kanako Motoya

WOWOW Special Match JWP Jr. Title: Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Hiromi Yagi 13:36. ****

    Taped 1/14/97 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukan 2

WOWOW Special Match: Hiromi Yagi vs. Manami Toyota (AJW). ***3/4

JWP on WOWOW 2/22/97 MY HONEY BABE taped 2/9/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Ex

*Reviewed in Quebrada #46*

Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Sari Osumi. *

Tomoko Kuzumi & Kanako Motoya vs. Candy Okutsu & Command Bolshoi. ***1/4

Plum Mariko & Alda Moreno (Jd') vs. Cuty Suzuki & Esther Moreno (Jd'). **3/4

Only Give Up Judo Jacket Match: Hiromi Yagi vs. Kaoru Ito.

5 Minute Time Limit Puroresu Rules: Yagi vs. Ito. Great while it lasted.

WOWOW Special Match JWP Tag Titles: Devil Masami & Hikari Fukuoka vs. Mayumi Ozaki & Rieko Amano. ***3/4

JWP on WOWOW 3/15/97 THE BEGINNINGS taped 2/23/97 & 3/9/97
-2hr. Q=Near Perfect

    2/23/97 Shinjuku

Hiichan's (Fukuoka & Yagi & Candy) vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Rieko Amano & Kanako Motoya. The youngsters are really good in this match and Fukuoka is really lagging behind them. Real good action and high spots with nice execution. ***3/4

Hikari Fukuoka & Candy Okutsu & Hiromi Yagi & Command Bolshoi vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Amano & Kanako Motoya & Tomoko Miyaguchi. ***1/4

Long feature on Yagi including footage of her career highlights.

    3/9/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Hiromi Yagi Final Match & JWP Junior Title match: Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Hiromi Yagi. All action Kuzumi style match. Work was great, but it was kind of short. Yagi gets a nice sendoff. Read Review ****1/4

JWP LIFE IN THE BATTLE Commercial Tape 4/8/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Near Perfect

Cuty Suzuki vs. Kanako Motoya 12:38. The good news is Cuty was willing to sell almost constantly to put Motoya over. The bad news is this almost seemed a product of not having enough energy to go on offense. I expected this to be a fairly decent match, but it was surprisingly sloppy and devoid of chemistry. Motoya tried hard, but for whatever reason seemed unable to garner any results. *1/2

The Dress Up Wild Fight Tag Match: Mayumi Ozaki & Rieko Amano vs. Megumi Kudo & RIE (FMW team). Read Review ****

JWP Openweight Title Match: Dynamite Kansai vs. Hikari Fukuoka. Fukuoka wins title. Read Review ****1/2

JWP THE FIGHT DVD 5/10/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=TFDVD

Mayumi Ozaki vs. Sari Osumi

JWP World Junior Title #1 Contender Match: Reiko Amano vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi

Dynamite Kansai & Sari Osumi & Emi Motokawa (IWA Japan) vs. Candy Okutsu & Command Bolshoi & Tomoko Miyaguchi

JWP World Junior Title: Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Kanako Motoya. Read Review. ***1/2

JWP Tag Titles: Devil Masami & Hikari Fukuoka vs. Cuty Suzuki & Plum Mariko

JWP TV 6/20/97 THUNDER QUEEN BATTLE IN YOKOHAMA '97 taped 6/8/97 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan & 6/15/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr. Q=Near Perfect

Candy Okutsu vs. Dynamite Kansai. Read Review. ***

JWP Nintei Musabetsukyu Senshukenjiai: Hikari Fukuoka vs. Tomoko Kuzumi. Read Review. ***1/2

Devil Masami Puroresu Debut 20th Anniversary Act 1 "Now" Elimination match: Mayumi Ozaki & Reiko Amano & Sugar Sato & Chikayo Nagashima (Oz Academy) vs. Devil Masami & Chigusa Nagayo (GAEA) & Tomoko Miyaguchi & Meiko Satomura (GAEA). Read Review. ****1/4

6/15/97, Devil Masami Puroresu Debut 20th Anniversary Act 2 "Now & Then": Devil Masami & Jaguar Yokota vs. Dynamite Kansai & Candy Okutsu. Read Review. ***1/2

JWP on WOWOW 7/26/97 taped 6/29 ? Liquid Room & 7/6 Zushi Marine Garden Pool & J-Hot Shower '97 taped 7/18 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

6/29 Candy Okutsu Final Running: Candy vs. Kuzumi. Candy was physically unable to work the style she normally would with Kuzumi. **

7/18 Candy Okutsu Final Running: Candy vs. Cuty. I'm still shocked Cuty vs. Candy was better than Kuzumi vs. Candy. ***

7/6 The Texas Poolside 8 Woman Tag Match: Hikari & Candy & Kuzumi & Motoya vs. Devil & Cuty & Plum & Miyaguchi. In order to win the match, after you pin someone, you have a 20 count to toss them into the pool. Interesting idea for a once a year gimmick, but the brawls toward the pool were rather lame, with Plum looking lost. Too chopped up to rate.

WOWOW Special Match: Oz & Amano vs. Hokuto & Matsumoto. Good match that was dragged down by talentless Matsumoto. Oz was the best, of course. Hokuto was fine, especially considering she was hobbling around badly in the locker room before the show, but she was unable to turn it up for the main event. ***

Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Devil Masami & Tomoko Kuzumi. Devil is pinned, but the ref doesn't count it so she just walks out. Kuzumi continues 2-1, but they don't show this on the TV show.

JWP TV 8/23/97 PURE-HEART FESTIVAL taped 8/17/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

Plum vs. Chigusa 2/11/94-The purpose of this match was to move Plum up from the 2nd tier to the first. Plum rules in this match, showing a vast array of submissions and great transitions into them. Perfect booking, excellent match! Read Review. ****

Hikari Fukuoka & Kanako Motoya vs. Aja Kong (free) & Cuty Suzuki. Only the final minutes air, but it's all action with one hot spot after the other. Read Review. Excellent action.

JWP Junior Title Match: Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi. This is an exciting match with great spots, fast transitions, and excellent sequences. Kuzumi really puts on a show. Miyaguchi wins JWP Jr. title. Read Review. ****

Dynamite Kansai & Kanako Motoya vs. Cuty Suzuki & Command Bolshoi. This was Kansai's first match back from her most recent episode with collagen, so she didn't do too much, but Motoya was good in carrying things for her side. Read Review. ***1/4

Candy Okutsu Retirement Match JWP Openweight Title Match: Hikari Fukuoka vs. Candy Okutsu. Fukuoka bursts into tears and cries most of the match so it's bad as a match but impressive if you understand that they are so close in real life that they are like sisters and best friends. A one of a kind special match, but not in a workrate kind of way. Read Review.

Mayumi Ozaki vs. Super Heel Devil Masami. Oz gets a lot more out of Super Heel than even I expected. Highlight is Oz jumping off the stage with a swinging DDT. Read Review. ***1/2

JWP PURE-HEART FESTIVAL JWP Longest Day Commercial Tape 8/17/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-2hr 40min. Q=Master. 2 DVDs

Day show

Tomoko Kuzumi & Sari Osumi vs. Command Bolshoi & Emi Motokawa. Digest of 13:38

Kakutogi Rule 3Min 5Rd: Reiko Amano vs. Kumiko Maekawa R3 0:27

Mayumi Ozaki vs. Yumi Fukawa 10:28

Hikari Fukuoka & Kanako Motoya vs. Aja Kong & Cuty Suzuki 23:41

Devil Masami & Candy Okutsu vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi & Command Bolshoi Digest of 13:14

Night show

Reiko Amano vs. Sari Osumi. Digest of 10:12

JWP Junior Title Match: Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi 17:47

Dynamite Kansai & Kanako Motoya vs. Cuty Suzuki & Command Bolshoi 12:36

Candy Okutsu Retirement Match, JWP Openweight Title Match: Hikari Fukuoka vs. Candy Okutsu 10:42

Mayumi Ozaki vs. Super Heel Devil Masami 11:48

JWP TV 9/27/97 The Foot Work taped 9/16 Sapporo Teison Hall & 9/20 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

9/16 JWP Jr. Title: Miyaguchi vs. Amano-clip, Miyaguchi retains.

Cuty vs. Super Heel-Both of these two need to be carried and Super Heel needs someone that will bump for her and sell her spots big, which Cuty doesn't do. Cuty actually dominated much of the match. *1/2.

Feature on Candy Okutsu.

9/20 JWP Korakuen Hall Tag Titles One Night Tournament Round 1: Kuzumi & Motoya vs. Cuty & Miyaguchi. Clip. Kuzumi was really off here.

JWP Korakuen Hall Tag Titles One Night Tournament Round 1: Ozaki & Amano vs. Kansai & Osumi. About the last 3 minutes aired. Amano gets punted majorly by Kansai, but she took all Kansai's shots and didn't back down. Finally Amano ducked Kansai's lariat and Osumi was hit, then Amano applied the udehishigigyakujujigatame on Osumi for the win. Big step up for Amano.

JWP Korakuen Hall Tag Titles One Night Tournament Final: Ozaki & Amano vs. Kuzumi & Kanako Motoya. NJ junior tag match style. Exciting workrate match with one high spot after another and tons of flying by Kuzumi & Motoya. Every spot was hitting. Ozaki let Amano fight alone and eventually she succumbed to Motoya's rolling senton. Kuzumi & Motoya won the vacant Korakuen Hall tag titles. Read Review. ****.

JWP Open Weight Single Title: Fukuoka vs. Command Bolshoi. This exceeded my expectations by far. Bolshoi was by far the worst opposition Fukuoka has had for a title defense thusfar, but this turned out to be the best match of the title defenses. Despite winning this years Body Heat tournament, Bolshoi didn't have a lot of credibility coming in, so they had to go above and beyond in the booking department, and it worked because Bolshoi was credible. The key spot was Bolshoi, seeing her chance at the belt slipping away after Hikari had kicked out of her shouda and nadare shiki nodowa, decides to unmask. She pulls Hikari up and Hikari is shocked, which allows her to hit another shouda, but Hikari still kicks out. Championship performance by Hikari. The best Bolshoi singles match I've seen. Read Review. ****

JWP on WOWOW 10/18/97 SLY taped 10/10/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

Kanako Motoya vs. Aya Koyama (Big Japan). Kanako carried this, but it wasn't good at all because Koyama was so green. Kanako worked really hard, showing her new submission skill. Read Review. *3/4

Cuty Suzuki & Command Bolshoi vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Kanako Motoya. Mainly work. Hikari & Kanako looked good, but Cuty & the clown didn't. Match didn't build at all. Read Review. **

WOWOW SPECIAL MATCH THE FIRE SCRAMBLE TAG MATCH: Tomoko Miyaguchi & Tanny Mouse (free) vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Yoshiko Tamura (free). Spot wrestling. Match got better as it went along, but didn't even reach the expected level when Tanny wasn't in. Read Review. **1/4

Mayumi Ozaki & Rieko Amano vs. Dynamite Kansai & Devil Masami. This match was basically a learning experience for Amano. It was almost like her initiation in that she had to prove she was worthy of graduating from junior status by sticking with Devil & Dynamite. Disappointing match as it was slow and unspectacular with no one stepping up. Read Review. **3/4

JWP on WOWOW 12/5/97 SURE taped 10/30/97, 11/7/97, & 11/16/97
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

   Plum Mariko Memorial taped 10/30/97 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan

Highlights of the 10 undercard matches

Mayumi Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai & Cuty Suzuki. Not a good match, but incredibly emotional. They basically pretended that Plum was Ozaki's tag partner, but unfortunately she was only there in spirit. Read Review. **

    11/7/97 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukan 2

Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Kyoko Inoue (free) & Tomoko Miyaguchi. About 1/4 aired and it was somewhat sloppy and definitely worse than you'd expect. Read Review.

    11/16/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Ozaki & Rieko Amano vs. Kansai & Kanako Motoya. A brawl dominated by the heels. Kanako was destroyed and she juiced. Finish looked cool, but it was pretty hard to believe given what had happened during the rest of the match. Read Review. ***

Hikari Fukuoka & Command Bolshoi vs. Kurenai Yasha & Carol Midori (LLPW team). This was the second ever JWP vs. LLPW match. Basically ring work. Kind of dull early, but turned into a very good match as the better spots kicked in. Good heat. Main focus was Yasha nearly beating Hikari several times to set up their 12/6 title match. Read Review. ***1/2

JWP on WOWOW 12/13/97 J-HOLY BATTLE Yokohama '97 Taped 12/6/97 Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan
-2hr. Q=Ex

3 vs. 1 Handicap Match: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Rieko Amano & Sugar Sato (GAEA) & Chikayo Nagashima (GAEA). Only Ozaki could pull this off. A good match that was hurt by the facts that the finish came too soon and the understudies looked weak because had to triple team to get anywhere. Storyline was good, but Ozaki should have been pretty much dominated. Ozaki announces that she will go freelance. Read Review. **3/4

Cuty Suzuki & Kyoko Ichiki (Shin FMW) vs. Command Bolshoi & Cooga (Jd'). You know you are in trouble when Bolshoi is the best of the four. Just spots, and even the work could have been a lot better. Read Review. *

Mixed Tag: Tomoko Miyaguchi & Gedo (Fuyuki Promotions) vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Jado (Fuyuki Promotions). The JWP women were obviously way better than Fuyuki's cronies. A bit of double teaming, but for the most part it was just woman vs. woman and man vs. man (which is what the rules called for). Kuzumi & Miyaguchi didn't work as well together as they normally do. Miyaguchi was the best of the 4. Short with no build to the finish. Read Review. *3/4

Devil Masami vs. Sakura Hirota (GAEA). Suckura tried to work over Devil's arm to get a submission, which was good although obviously that wasn't going to happen. Devil made short work of Hirota and neither looked good. Read Review. 1/2*

Dynamite Kansai & Kanako Motoya vs. Shinobu Kandori & Mizuki Endo. Very good match with Kanako being almost shockingly good in this setting. Kansai was, not surprisingly, the standout. Pretty similar to the very good Kandori & Endo vs. Hotta & Maekawa from 8/15/97. Read Review. ***1/2

JWP Open Weight Single Title: Hikari Fukuoka vs. Kurenai Yasha. Not surprisingly, neither woman could carry and it was mainly you do your spots and I'll do mine. Hikari's work was great, but nothing else about this match was close to that level. Yasha, as usual, was mediocre at best. Read Review. **3/4

JWP/GAEA Women In The Ring DVD 12/18/97
-hr. Q=Perfect. 2 DVDs

Mayumi Ozaki & Sugar Sato & Chikayo Nagashima vs. Dynamite Kansai & Cuty Suzuki & Command Bolshoi 13:03

Super Techniques highlight videos from various matches of the 50 or so selected moves being performed

Mayumi Ozaki vs. Chigusa Nagayo 11:30

Various features on the wrestlers who participated and some joshi history

JWP on WOWOW 1/17/98 Minna Nakayoshi (Everyone's Friends) taped 12/26/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall & That's The Way taped 1/11/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex


Command Bolshoi & Takako Inoue (AJW) vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi & Yumiko Hotta (AJW). Fast- paced workrate match. Kind of helter skelter, but good for what it was. **1/2 range

Hikari Fukuoka & Manami Toyota (AJW) vs. Devil Masami & Cuty Suzuki. Even Cuty's work was good here. Tons of high spots by Hikari & Toyota. Appeared to be ***1/2 range, but it was totally ruined as only 6:52 of 30:00 aired.

Mayumi Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai. This was also butchered, but it appeared to be one of their best together. Ozaki was awesome here both for her wrestling and for her acting. Actually, her acting was so good that she came off as being tougher than Kansai. The ordering of the spots and the flow of the match was outstanding. These two just kicked each other's asses until someone won. Selling was excellent. ****1/2


DRESS UP WILD FIGHT TAG MATCH: Ozaki & Chikayo Nagashima (GAEA) vs. Kansai & Cuty. Cuty dressed up like she was attending a wedding or something. Very good brawl, with strong wrestling to go along with it. Well booked. Cuty bled. Chikayo juiced heavily. Chikayo wrestled Cuty like she was her equal, and wound up pinning her for the first time in the end. ***1/2

Hikari & Kuzumi & Miyaguchi vs. Kyoko Inoue & Yoshiko Tamura & Tanny Mouse (Neo). Much of the time devoted to this match would have been better spent on the previous matches, which were much better. This match didn't do much to make me want to see this feud, although Kuzumi & Tamura looked good together and I'd like to see them have another singles. Miyaguchi & Kuzumi were the two best. Tanny was beyond awful and killed the match. Match was really good in points, but there were too many missed spots that could have been Heymaned out. Eagle & Nagashima & Okino attacked the JWP team after the match, which caused JWP President Masatoshi Yamamoto to go nuts. **1/2

JWP The History of Mayumi Ozaki DVD
-1hr 45min. Q=TFDVD.

History (these matches are edited down to roughly 7-10 minutes each)

4/2/93 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Cuty Suzuki & Mayumi Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai & Hikari Fukuoka

9/8/96 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Mayumi Ozaki & Rieko Amano & Sugar Sato vs. Cuty Suzuki & Command Bolshoi & Yuki Miyazaki

12/6/97 Kanagawa Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Rieko Amano & Sugar Sato (GAEA) & Chikayo Nagashima (GAEA)

Best Bouts (these are unedited)

12/9/95 Kanagawa Yokohama Bunka Taiikukan: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Super Heel Devil Masami. **

10/30/97 Tokyo Ota-ku Taiikukan: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai & Cuty Suzuki. No rating

12/26/97 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai. ****1/2

*COOP available*

JWP on WOWOW 2/14/98 NO GIMMICK '98 taped 1/23/98-2/11/98
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

1/31/98 Hakata Starlanes Dress Up Wild Fight: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai. Huge disappointment that they barely showed any of this.

2/11/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Rieko Amano & Sugar Sato (GAEA) vs. Dynamite Kansai & Command Bolshoi. A good match due to Kansai, and secondarily Amano. These two could only do so much to keep the match quality up. Sato wasn't all that great, as she was involved in all the sloppy parts. Kansai was no selling Sugar's weak shots. **1/2

1/23/98 Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan: Eagle Sawai & Michiko Nagashima vs. Kanako Motoya & Tomoko Miyaguchi. A fast-paced match with a lot of spots when Nagashima was in. Nagashima was the best of the four, and it was a good match when she was in. Very one-sided when Eagle was in to the point it was a detriment to the match. **

1/25/98 Tokyo: Miyaguchi & Osumi vs. Sayori Okino & The Bloody (Heisei Guren-tai). Clip

2/2/98 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan #2: Hikari Fukuoka & Kanako Motoya vs. Eagle Sawai & Sayori Okino (Heisei Guren-tai). Clip. Okino spews mist in Motoya and Hikari's face.

1/23/98 JWP Tag Titles: Devil Masami & Hikari Fukuoka vs. Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito (AJW). Lots of big spots here. This looked like it was **** range with strong work and cool spots. Unfortunately, only 1/3 aired. Toyota & Ito take the tag titles.

2/11/98 JWP Tag Titles: Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Kuzumi. Spotfest. Awesome flying. Match had great work and the second half was excellent. Unfortunately, it was a very one dimensional match. Fukuoka & Kuzumi win tag titles when Hikari pins Toyota for the first time. ****

JWP Battle History Opposing Leagues 3 DVD 6/16/95-2/11/98
-4hr. Q=Perfect. 2 DVDs

6/16/95: Bomber Hikari & Sumiyo Toyama vs. Toshie Sato & Yasuko Kuragaki


Hiromi Sugo & Kanako Motoya vs. Kaori Nakayama & Yukari Ishikura

Hiromi Yagi & Yumi Fukawa vs. Rie Tamada & Yuka Shiina

Reiko Amano & Tomoko Kuzumi & Tomoko Miyaguchi & Yuki Miyazaki vs. Meiko Satomura & Sonoko Kato & Chikayo Nagashima & Chihiro Nakano

3/3/96: Dynamite Kansai vs. Bison Kimura

5/14/96 THE DRESS UP WILD FIGHT TEXAS DEATH MATCH: Mayumi Ozaki vs. Takako Inoue


Fusayo Nouchi vs. Yuko Kosugi

Kanako Motoya vs. Yumi Fukawa

All Japan Junior Title Match: Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Emi Motokawa

4/8/97 The Dress Up Wild Fight Tag Match: Mayumi Ozaki & Rieko Amano vs. Megumi Kudo & RIE

11/16/97: Hikari Fukuoka & Command Bolshoi vs. Kurenai Yasha & Carol Midori (LLPW


Cuty Suzuki & Kyoko Ichiki (Shin FMW) vs. Command Bolshoi & Cooga

Devil Masami vs. Sakura Hirota

12/26/97: Command Bolshoi & Takako Inoue vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi & Yumiko Hotta


Eagle Sawai & Michiko Nagashima vs. Kanako Motoya & Tomoko Miyaguchi

JWP Tag Titles: Devil Masami & Hikari Fukuoka vs. Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito

2/11/98 JWP Tag Titles: Manami Toyota & Kaoru Ito vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Kuzumi

10/13/96: Hikari Fukuoka & Hiromi Yagi & The Great Sasuke & Tiger Mask 4 vs. Candy Okutsu & Bolshoi Kid & Super Delfin & Gran Naniwa

12/6/97: Tomoko Miyaguchi & Gedo vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Jado

JWP on WOWOW 3/14/98 SAND WOMAN taped 3/6/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1 1/2hr. Q=Ex

*final JWP show on WOWOW(:.*

Cuty Suzuki vs. Command Bolshoi. Highlights

Devil Masami & Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Dynamite Kansai & Kanako Motoya. The main point of this match was Miyaguchi dominating Kansai, and eventually scoring her first pin on her. Devil had one of her best performances of the year, but Kansai & Miyaguchi were off so it turned out to be a disappointing match. *3/4

Mayumi Ozaki JWP Graduation: Ozaki vs. Rieko Amano. Match was solid and built well. Amano didn't push Ozaki as much as she needed to. I would have had Amano beat Ozaki in a double juice brawl to set her up as the new top heel in JWP. Excellent in points, but slow in others. Amano's nose was bloodied from Ozaki's uraken. Cool post match with Kansai getting into the ring and presenting the departing Ozaki with flowers even though they were rivals and played it as such. Amano tried to talk, but she was too emotional to get the words out initially. ***1/4

WOWOW SPECIAL SINGLE MATCH Queen vs. Queen: Hikari Fukuoka vs. Tomoko Kuzumi. This was another disappointing match between the two, largely due to the fact that Hikari can't carry a match. It was just pathetic how little she was able to get out of such a talented worker. Kuzumi got hurt during the match, which hurt the hot portion of the match. When the did high spots was excellent, but the bridge too them was pathetic. Kuzumi needs a veteran to show her how to take things to the next level, a Tsuruta to Misawa, but JWP at this point doesn't have anyone that can do it. This was supposed to be where they took it to the next level, but they couldn't even maintain. Hell, it was down a couple notches from their 6/8/97. ***

Highlights of JWP's nearly 5 year run on WOWOW.

JWP CUTY MANIA 3 DVD 5/1/92-3/6/98
-4hr. Q=Perfect. 2 DVDs

5/1/92: Cuty Suzuki vs. Dynamite Kansai

6/12/92: Cuty Suzuki & Hikari Fukuoka vs. Dynamite Kansai & Sumiko Saito

7/9/92: Cuty Suzuki vs. Devil Masami

9/6/92: Cuty Suzuki & Devil Masami vs. Plum Mariko & Dynamite Kansai

9/15/92 League Match: Cuty Suzuki vs. Mayumi Ozaki

10/22/92: Cuty Suzuki vs. Command Bolshoi

3/21/93 JWP Tag Title Match: Cuty Suzuki & Mayumi Ozaki vs. Dynamite Kansai & Devil Masami

9/23/93: Cuty Suzuki vs. Fusayo Nouchi

1/9/94 Korakuen Hall: Cuty Suzuki & Mayumi Ozaki & Plum Mariko vs. Dynamite Kansai & Devil Masami & Chigusa Nagayo

1/11/94: Cuty Suzuki & Devil Masami vs. Dynamite Kansai & Candy Okutsu

4/10/94: Cuty Suzuki & Reggie Bennett vs. Dynamite Kansai & Bolshoi Kid

6/19/94: Cuty Suzuki & Devil Masami vs. Dynamite Kansai & Candy Okutsu

9/25/94: Cuty Suzuki & Reggie Bennett vs. Dynamite Kansai & Hiromi Yagi

5/16/95: Cuty Suzuki vs. Mayumi Ozaki

9/23/95: Cuty Suzuki & Yuki Miyazaki & Toshie Uematsu vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Kanako Motoya & Sonoko Kato

2/11/96: Cuty Suzuki & Devil Masami & Rieko Amano & Kanako Motoya vs. Dynamite Kansai & Command Bolshoi & Hiromi Yagi & Yuki Miyazaki

4/7/96: Cuty Suzuki & Hikari Fukuoka vs. Esther Moreno & Hiromi Yagi

12/8/96: Cuty Suzuki & Plum Mariko & Command Bolshoi & Kanako Motoya vs. Mayumi Ozaki & Rieko Amano & Sugar Sato & Chikayo Nagashima

12/8/96 DRESS UP WILD FIGHT: Mayumi Ozaki & Reiko Amano vs. Cuty Suzuki & Plum Mariko

4/8/97: Cuty Suzuki vs. Kanako Motoya

10/10/97: Cuty Suzuki & Command Bolshoi vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Kanako Motoya

1/11/98: Korakuen Hall & Tokyo
Cuty Suzuki & Dynamite Kansai vs. Mayumi Ozaki & Chikayo Nagashima

3/6/98: Cuty Suzuki vs. Command Bolshoi

Hikari Fukuoka Voice My Success Story
& Battle Station JWP 4/22/98 taped 4/12/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 50min. Q=1st Gen

Kayoko Haruyama vs. Erika Watanabe. Pretty horrible match with Watanabe looking particularly bad. They tried to do some things, but pretty much nothing looked good. 1/4*

Kanako Motoya vs. Manami Ikeda. Kanako didn't seem to know what to do with her incredibly green opponent. She wound up selling most of the way then putting her away with a few moves. Ikeda was real bad. *

Command Bolshoi & Sari Osumi vs. Cuty Suzuki & Kayoko Haruyama. A sloppy, boring, low impact match with no flow. Cuty vs. Bolshoi wasn't bad, but the rest left a lot to be desired. Last 4 ½ minutes were bearable, as the pace picked up for the finish. *

Devil Masami & Dynamite Kansai vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Tomoko Miyaguchi. This match wasn't nearly as good as it should have been because Kuzumi & Miyaguchi didn't do their thing early. They looked bad because they weren't stiff enough with their larger opponents, so they didn't/couldn't put some of their offense over. The match became quite good once Kuzumi & Miyaguchi started doing their high spots. The match didn't really do anything to elevate Kuzumi & Miyaguchi. A lot of this is Kansai & Devil's fault because they didn't seem too interested in putting the opposition over. With the proper editing, this would have looked really good, but JWP couldn't show any more or the earlier matches and didn't have the luxury of taping multiple dates for one TV show. **3/4

Hikari Fukuoka vs. Rieko Amano. This was a good match, but it didn't do anything to elevate Amano. I mean, she even lost to her own dobitski udehishigigyakujujigatame. Amano looked good as always, but neither could carry the match. Amano's knee attack was good. ***

JWP Official Release VOL. I JWP Fighting Video Tape Zensedai Tournament VOL. 1 4/18/98-4/27/98
& Devil vs. Amano from VOL.2
-1 1/2hr. Q=VG-Ex

4/18 Kyoto KBS Hall 1st Round: Command Bolshoi vs. Tomoko Kuzumi. **3/4

4/19 Minokano Shi Nakajima Taiikukan Plaza Chuutai 1st Round: Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Sari Osumi. *1/4

4/19 Minokano Shi Nakajima Taiikukan Plaza Chuutai 1st Round: Devil Masami vs. Kanako Motoya. *3/4

4/19 Minokano Shi Nakajima Taiikukan Plaza Chuutai 1st Round: Reiko Amano vs. Hikari Fukuoka. ***

4/26 Kokawa: Cuty Suzuki vs. Dynamite Kansai. *3/4

4/27 Takayama Round 2: Command Bolshoi vs. Cuty Suzuki. *1/2

    JWP Official Release VOL. II

4/27 Takayama Round 2: Rieko Amano vs. Devil Masami. *1/4

Battle Station JWP 5/20/98 May Series JWP Every Woman Opening taped 5/10/98 Osaka IMP Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=1st Gen

Erika Watanabe vs. Kayoko Haruyama. Highlights

Command Bolshoi & Kayoko Haruyama vs. Sari Osumi & Erika Watanabe. Highlights.

Battlarts & JWP Mixed Tag Match: Hikari Fukuoka & Alexander Otsuka vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Yuki Ishikawa. This was a cool mixed match because it was fairly serious and the men and women actually wrestled each other. Unfortunately, there was no heat. **3/4

Devil Masami & Cuty Suzuki vs. Dynamite Kansai & Kanako Motoya. Non descript match as it was decent, but no person or event stood out. **

Zensedai Tournament Digest

Zensedai Tournament Semifinal: Rieko Amano vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi. This match went way too long. The work was good, but it was totally lacking in the mental aspects. Really disappointing. **1/4

Battle Station JWP 5/28/98 May Series JWP Every Woman taped 5/17/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=1st Gen

Sari Osumi vs. Manami Ikeda. Highlights. Osumi looked decent. Sai showed some Judo techniques, but her spots looked very raw and rough. They didn't really blow any spots, but they weren't smooth and the match didn't really flow.

Erika Watanabe vs. Kayoko Haruyama. Really basic with neither showing any kind of a move set. Really bad even by rookie standards. Watanabe wrestlers like she's playing the defensive line.

Sari Osumi & Kayoko Haruyama vs. Kanako Motoya & Erika Watanabe. Osumi tried to work a regular set of spots with Motoya, but they blew a few spots and Osumi was out of position for Motoya's flying move. Actually worse than the previous two matches in a way as they tried a lot more, but weren't able to pull it off. Motoya was not close to the level where she could save this, but I'm not sure that there is anyone who could have made this a good match. 1/2*

Dynamite Kansai & Devil Masami & Cuty Suzuki vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Miyaguchi & Tomoko Kuzumi. Match was worse than expected as no one was fired up and Miyaguchi & Kuzumi strayed from what they do best. Match was good when Hikari's team was doing their high spots, but what they did before the spots was not smart wrestling. Cuty didn't look good here, as she wrestled like she was sick or something (no stamina, lack of power). **

Zensedai (the whole generation) Tournament Final: Rieko Amano vs. Commando Bolshoi. This had a weird stipulation called minute by minute rules where there were 5 minute periods under "only give up" rules in between periods of regular rules. Amano carried this match and it was impressive that the work was this good for this long. The problem was they were out there too long (over 34 minutes) so they killed time by staying in submissions way too long. This was a submission oriented match, so it doesn't work when someone applies a legitimate finisher and the damn clown stays in it forever and barely puts it over. I give Bolshoi credit for being able to work a match that is totally out of her element, but anyone who would book someone who isn't remotely a shooter type in a 34+ minute submission oriented match has a few screws loose. Part of the problem was that JWP is running out of wrestlers and no one is going to attend your show if you make them sit through an hour of Watanabe, Haruyama, Sai, and Osumi. However, putting the women who are capable of good matches out there for way too long isn't a good solution either. Amano eventually wins the tournament. **

Battle Station JWP 6/17/98 JWP June Series THE POWER UNIT taped 6/14 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=1st Gen

Sari Osumi vs. Tomiko Sai. Highlights

Command Bolshoi & Sari Osumi vs. Kayoko Haruyama & Erika Watanabe. Highlights

Rieko Amano vs. Kanako Motoya. Amano carried the match. Kanako showed good submission knowledge, and did a good job of adapting to Amano's style. ***

Dynamite Kansai vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi. A very good match that suffered a lot from a dead crowd, as for it to truly work, it really needed the fans to get behind Miyaguchi. Pacing was too slow, but the selling was quite good. Kansai's athleticism appears to be way down, as shown in part by the way she is taking bumps. ***1/2

JWP Tag Titles: Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Devil Masami & Cuty Suzuki. This match got off to a hot start and stayed hot throughout. A strong match due almost entirely to the work and high spots. Execution was quite good. Hikari has been way better in tag this year because you can get away with just doing spots a lot better in that format. Devil was in the mood to work. She was clearly the dominant force, but she didn't go overboard with the no selling. Hikari & Kuzumi were the stand outs, and Devil & Cuty didn't hurt the match. ****

Battle Station JWP 7/22/98 JWP July Series taped 7/12 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=1st Gen

JWP '98 New Faces War Blue Star Cup '98: Erika Watanabe vs. Kayoko Haruyama. Highlights.

JWP '98 New Faces War Blue Star Cup '98: Tomiko Sai vs. Haruyama. Highlights

Sari Osumi vs. Yoshiko Tamura (Neo). Tamura looked good here. Osumi was decent. If only Tamura had good opposition and was in a promotion that gave her some respect. **1/4

Kanako Motoya vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi. These two worked to their ability, so it was quite good even though neither are strong in the mental aspects. The match had more submissions then you would expect, as Kanako once again showed her "shooter" skills. Match just kind of ended. It looked like they might have went home early because Miyaguchi could have hurt her neck when Motoya countered her suplex by planting her with a DDT. However, it didn't look like Miyaguchi gave any signal to go home early and she seemed alright after the match. Still, it makes no sense that Miyaguchi would get up and pin Motoya with a brainbuster right after Motoya came back with a DDT. ***1/4

Super Heel Devil Masami vs. Tomoko Kuzumi. A pointless match that seemed to be over before it began. What is the point of having Kuzumi job to anyone in just over 4 minutes? *1/2

Hikari Fukuoka & Rieko Amano vs. Dynamite Kansai & Cuty Suzuki. This had the work and the spots, but lacked the psychology and, of course, the heat. Hikari & Amano made the match. Kansai went with the flow instead of shaping the match. She was good, but she could have been so much more. In KAORU-esque fashion, Hikari did an Orihara moonsault 20 seconds into the match. ***1/4

Battle Station JWP 8/12/98 JWP July Series taped 7/31/98 Kawasaki Shi Taiikukan & AJ TV 11/26/94
-1hr 50min. Q=1st Gen

Obatchi Iizuka (Jd') & Erika Watanabe vs. Tomiko Sai & Kazuko Fujiwara (Jd'). Highlights

Sumie Sakai (Jd') vs. Kayoko Haruyama. Highlights. Sakai looked good, but Haruyama has yet to approach average.

Kanako Motoya & Yoshiko Tamura (Neo) vs. Mima Shimoda & Etsuko Mita. A very good match with Cachorras adapting their style to meet the needs of the opposition. It was mainly work and spots, with surprisingly little brawling. Motoya & Tamura were more competitive than you'd expect. ***1/2

Mayumi Ozaki (Oz Academy) & Rieko Amano vs. Dynamite Kansai & Tomoko Miyaguchi. This was really good because these 4 worked up to their potential. Ozaki's inclusion made a striking difference because she added the edge that has been lacking in JWP since she left. She also did things to further the rivalry between her and Kansai and get heat, although once again there was no heat on the show. Kansai doesn't initiate storyline or psychology in tags this year, but she picks up on Ozaki doing so here and plays off it. Unfortunately, Amano & Miyaguchi were just there to work. Miyaguchi was probably as stiff as she has ever been, which is kind of ironic since she was with Kansai rather than against. One cool spot was Miyaguchi standing up out of Amano's attempted jujigatame and doing an inverted airplane spin. Ozaki was the best of the four, and it would be unfair to call anyone the worst. Match built pretty well and had good pacing. Amano pushed Kansai a lot, but Miyaguchi didn't really push Ozaki. ****

JWP Tag Title: Devil Masami & Cuty Suzuki vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Kuzumi. Match was good for Fukuoka & Kuzumi's work and high spots. These two looked excellent, as this is what they do. Cuty did next to nothing. Devil can't keep up with Hikari & Kuzumi these days, so she instilled a really slow pace. Not surprisingly, not much happened early, but it turned into a very good match. Match was somewhat sloppy. Kuzumi did an unassisted springboard tope con giro, which was the highlight of the match. Overall, Kuzumi looked really good. She not only pushed Devil, but pinned her with her victory star drop, which Devil was, not surprisingly, unable to properly take the bump on. Hikari was shocked and elated that Kuzumi had pinned Devil to capture the titles. ***1/4

    AJ Pro Wrestling 30 11/26/94 '94 World's Strongest Tag Team League Taped 11/25 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan

Tag League Bout: Misawa & Kobashi vs. Kawada & Taue. This was fairly slow paced because they were going long. Kobashi was destroyed for a long period, leading to Misawa making the hot tag and trying to take on both opponents. This lead to Kawada and Taue overpowering Misawa and giving him their backdrop/nodowa otoshi combination then Taue took Kobashi out with a tope, leaving Misawa alone to perhaps finally lose to Kawada. The match had some great near finishes, with the heat picking up as the match progressed, although with the exception of when Kobashi had a good chance to pin Kawada, it wasn't as heated as I expected. Taue wasn't on the level yet, but the other three were as great as you'd expect. ****1/4

Shukan Puroresu Video Vol. 31 Plum Mariko Memorial Arigato Mari-chan Commercial Tape
-1hr 5min. Q=Near Perfect 1st Gen

The Plum tape has still pictures and clips from throughout her career, and highlights of the first Plum Memorial show. The tape closes with a sad scene of Ozaki visiting Plum's grave. It would be a lot better, I'm sure, if I could understand what everyone was saying.

*I have a limited amount of additional 1st generation VHS*

Battle Station JWP 9/16/98 JWP & AJW Presents FIRE DAY, BURNING NIGHT taped 9/6 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
& AJ Misawa & Kobashi & Asako vs. Kawada & Taue & Honda from AJ TV 7/2/95
-1hr 40min. Q=1st Gen

    FIRE DAY 9/6/98 Korakuen Hall Day Show

New Submission Queen Legend: Rieko Amano & Kumiko Maekawa (AJW) vs. Kanako Motoya & Hiromi Yagi (free). Ironically, the pro style spots were actually better than the submissions. Work was good, but it was somewhat sloppy. Part of the problem seemed to be lack of familiarity. Yagi was kind of off, although she worked well with Amano. Tons of spots. Lacked build and no one worked to their submissions. Actually, even though this was a "submission queen match," the two non submission queens, Motoya & Maekawa, seemed to go for pins every time. **3/4

JWP & AJW Strongest Wars: Kansai & Yumiko Hotta (AJW) vs. Devil & Miyaguchi. Miyaguchi worked stiff enough for the opposition to sell. Match was alright, but no one was all that good. Miyaguchi was probably the best, and either Hotta or Devil was the worst. **

Cuty Suzuki & Hikari Fukuoka & Manami Toyota (AJW) vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Nanae Takahashi (AJW) & Momoe Nakanishi (AJW). A spotfest. Toyota & Kuzumi were the best. They both did unassisted swandive tope con hilos. Toyota and Hikari did a choice double team spot where Toyota held Momoe on her shoulders so Hikari could do her kaiten shiki missile kick (somersault missile kick off the top). On impact, Toyota dropped Momoe into her Japanese Ocean Cyclone suplex. Hikari & Momoe had some trouble working together, once again due to lack of familiarity with one another. Other than that they were good. Toyota' selling of Momoe's figure 4 was pathetic. For that matter, the selling on a whole was pathetic. Takahashi is outclassed and isn't made for this style. Cuty blended in well. After the match Kuzumi apparently quit JWP and stormed off to the locker room. Cuty tried in vain to calm her down but Tomoko got away locked herself in a dressing room. This came off pretty well because this isn't something you'd expect to see in JWP and everyone involved played their roles well. Kuzumi in acting genuinely po'ed, Cuty in trying to console her, Devil and Kansai coming out of their rooms to see what was going on (Devil had a great look of bewilderment on her face), and even JWP president Masatoshi Yamamoto in trying to downplay Kuzumi "quitting." This angle was quickly dropped, but they did a good job with it here. ***1/2

    BURNING NIGHT 9/6/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall Night Show

The Single 4 x 4 New JWP Announcement: Kuzumi vs. Cuty. Kuzumi attacked Cuty on the floor before the bell and they brawled on the bleachers to keep the heat in this new rivalry. Cuty did a her double footstomp off the apron, which was cool but she should not have comeback while they were out of the ring so the sneak attack could have been the excuse for Kuzumi making short work of her. Pretty intense match, but it died a lot once they hit the ring. Match length was fine if they did it right, but it was too short considering how they worked it. The main thing was that Kuzumi got the big win and they did another post match angle between Cuty & Kuzumi where Cuty slapped Kuzumi for something she said to her after the match. This led to a pull apart where Hikari, who is Kuzumi's regular tag partner, got in the ring and slapped Kuzumi. After they were separated Kansai went over to Kuzumi, seemingly to ask what was causing her to act this way, but Kuzumi pushed her away and stormed off to the locker room, leaving Hikari & Kansai in the ring with a puzzled look. **

The Single 4 x 4 New JWP Announcement: Miyaguchi vs. Devil. Devil didn't seem into this match. She sold her leg big, but we don't see from what. However, she no sold two suichoku rakka shiki brainbusters in a row, which was horrible because Miyaguchi uses that as a finisher. Miyaguchi scored the upset with a heel hold, which came off kind of flukish. Even though Miyaguchi beat the legend, no one seemed to care. *1/2

The Single 4 x 4 New JWP Announcement: Dynamite Kansai vs. Rieko Amano. Amano's work was really good. This should have been really good, but it was way too short and the finish came out of nowhere. Kansai stayed in Amano's jujigatame way too long, like to the point she was killing off the move as much as The Damn Clown did. Amano was incredibly determined, but it was not to be, and a fault of the match was that Kansai made this all too obvious. **3/4

The Single 4 x 4 New JWP Announcement: Hikari Fukuoka vs. Kanako Motoya. This got off to a very goofy start with each woman revenging each other's trademark goofy spot by doing it right back. From there the work and spots got really good, and Motoya went la magistral crazy. Hikari kicked out of 4 la magistrals, and wound up beating Motoya with that move, which was really stupid because she's never used that before. It was the same crap she pulled on Amano earlier in the year. Both showed good athleticism, and the match was very juniorish. It didn't flow all that well, and given it had Hikari, it was surely worse in unedited form, but in this form it was quite good. ***1/4

    AJ TV 7/2/95 '95 Summer Action Series taped 6/30 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Misawa & Kobashi & Asako vs. Kawada & Taue & Tamon Honda. An excellent match that was 20 times better than you'd expect just looking who was involved right now, but I can't see it getting *****. The heat was incredible though, and it was sustained. Everyone was way over, as the fans were even going nuts for Honda pushing Kobashi with his goofy headbutts. Kobashi was the standout here, and it was largely due to him that Honda probably never looked better. Honda had about 50 times more fire in this match than he has now, which also made a big difference. Due to the pacing, this was like a NJ junior tag match. ****1/2

-2hr 10min. Q=Ex. 1 DVD


Kanako Motoya & Hiromi Yagi (free) vs. Rieko Amano & Kumiko Maekawa (AJW). ***1/2

Tomoko Kuzumi & Momoe Nakanishi (AJW) & Nanae Takahashi vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Cuty Suzuki & Manami Toyota. ***1/4


Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Cuty Suzuki. **

Tomoko Miyaguchi vs. Devil Masami. *3/4

    9/6/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall

Chikako Shiratori & Yuki Lee vs. Command Bolshoi & Erika Watanabe. *

    9/23/98 Akita

Hikari Fukuoka & Cuty Suzuki vs. Dynamite Kansai & Tomoko Kuzumi. The building was almost completely empty, but they still worked hard and put on a good show. ***1/2

    9/27/98 Osaka IMP Hall

Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Kanako Motoya. The work was really good, and the match had a lot of action. However, they were kind of goofy. Also, the set up could have been better and they could have worked stiffer. ***

Battle Station JWP 10/21/98 taped 10/11/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=1st Gen

Rieko Amano vs. Yuki Lee (Free). **1/4

Cuty Suzuki vs. Chikako Shiratori (Free). Double juice brawl. **1/2

KANAKO OCTOBER ROAD "ONE:" Kanako Motoya vs. Jaguar Yokota (Jd'). ***1/4

Dynamite Kansai & Command Bolshoi & Erika Watanabe vs. Devil Masami & Tomoko Miyaguchi & Tomiko Sai. *

SHE IS NEW "J:" Hikari Fukuoka vs. Tomoko Kuzumi. **1/4

Battle Station JWP 11/25/98 taped 11/15/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=1st Gen

Tomiko Sai vs. Kayoko Haruyama. *1/2

Erika Watanabe & The Goddess Chikako Shiratori (Free) vs. Kanako Motoya & Yasuko Kuragaki. **

Rieko Amano & Yuki Lee (Free) vs. Devil Masami & Command Bolshoi. Match is stopped when Amano is injured and can't continue. No rating

Rieko Amano & Chikako Shiratori vs. Devil Masami & Command Bolshoi. Shiratori replaces Lee and the match is restarted. DUD

Cuty Suzuki Final Road: Cuty Suzuki vs. Mayumi Ozaki (Free). **1/4

Dynamite Kansai & Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Tomoko Miyaguchi & Kanako Motoya. ***

Battle Station JWP 12/23/98 taped 12/16/98 Osaka Furitsu Taiikukaikan 2
-1hr 25min. Q=Near Perfect 1st Gen

Erika Watanabe vs. Kayoko Haruyama. *

Kanako Motoya vs. Yasuko Kuragaki. *1/4

Command Bolshoi & Chikako Shiratori (free) vs. Yuki Lee & Tomiko Sai. *3/4

Cuty Suzuki Final Road: Cuty Suzuki & Tomoko Kuzumi vs. Rieko Amano & Tomoko Miyaguchi. ***1/2

Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Kuzumi & Tomoko Miyaguchi & Kanako Motoya vs. Devil Masami & Cuty Suzuki & Command Bolshoi & Rieko Amano. ***1/2

Battle Station JWP 1/6/99 Cuty Suzuki Retirement taped 12/27/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall
-1hr 25min. Q=Near Perfect 1st Gen

JWP New Face Presents Tag Match: Erika Watanabe & Tomiko Sai vs. Kayoko Haruyama & Yasuko Kuragaki. *

Michinoku Pro Presents Special Tag Match: Super Delfin & Gran Naniwa vs. Seiichiro Nagame & Flecha II (Masato Yakushiji). This looked good, as Yakushiji put on a show, but only 4:02 aired.

Cuty Suzuki Retirement 8 Woman Tag Match: Cuty Suzuki & Hikari Fukuoka & Devil Masami & Command Bolshoi vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Tomoko Miyaguchi & Rieko Amano & Kanako Motoya. Kansai, who was originally going to face Cuty (the match was changed because of her injury on 11/29), was the special referee. The match was an exhibition of spots. It was kind of like the juniors' matches on ECW TV, except it was three times as long, so the lack of psychology is more of a negative. Cuty worked a lot, but she wasn't able to make this anything special. Kuzumi was the best of the bunch since this is her style, and Hikari was having neck problems. I wouldn't have minded the finish if there was a reason for Kansai to get involved. Takako, Jenn Yukari, Candy, Yagi, Toyama, Sumiko Saito, and Ozaki all presented Cuty with flowers after the match. **3/4

JWP CUTY MANIA 2 ~Fight To The Top Of JWP To Tearful Retirement~ DVD 4/16/95-12/27/98
-4hr. Q=Perfect. 2 DVDs

4/16/95: Cuty Suzuki & Dynamite Kansai vs. Devil Masami & Fusayo Nouchi

4/29/95: Cuty Suzuki & Dynamite Kansai vs. Devil Masami & Hikari Fukuoka

5/14/95: Cuty Suzuki & Devil Masami vs. Dynamite Kansai & Hikari Fukuoka

6/16/95: Cuty Suzuki vs. Bolshoi Kid

8/3/95: JWP Openweight Title Decision League: Cuty Suzuki vs. Dynamite Kansai

8/10/95: Cuty Suzuki & Mayumi Ozaki vs. Devil Masami & Hiromi Yagi

10/15/95 JWP Openweight Title Decision League: Cuty Suzuki vs. Mayumi Ozaki

10/15/95 JWP Openweight Title Decision League Final: Cuty Suzuki vs. Dynamite Kansai

12/9/95 JWP Tag Title: Cuty Suzuki & Dynamite Kansai vs. Hikari Fukuoka & KAORU

1/7/96: Cuty Suzuki & Hikari Fukuoka vs. Dynamite Kansai & Mayumi Ozaki

11/23/96: Cuty Suzuki & Dynamite Kansai vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Devil Masami

8/17/97: Cuty Suzuki & Aja Kong vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Kanako Motoya

9/16/97: Cuty Suzuki vs. Super Heel Devil Masami

12/6/97: Cuty Suzuki & Kiyoko Ichiki vs. Command Bolshoi & Cooga

12/26/97: Cuty Suzuki & Devil Masami vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Manami Toyota

3/21/98 JWP Openweight Title: Cuty Suzuki vs. Hikari Fukuoka

7/31/98 JWP Tag Title: Cuty Suzuki & Devil Masami vs. Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Kuzumi

12/27/98 Cuty Suzuki Retirement Match: Cuty Suzuki & Hikari Fukuoka & Devil Masami & Command Bolshoi vs. Tomoko Kuzumi & Tomoko Miyaguchi & Rieko Amano & Kanako Motoya